jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


The Alzheimer´s disease is for me the worst sickness that any human can have, because it is carving you little by little until there is no part of your memory left.  With the video that we see in class I learned that it is not sure if you are going to have it or not but the truth is that when you have Alzheimer´s disease you lose your independence because you lose your ability to understand the world until you become an old baby.  The worst part of this disease is that there is no cure for it what makes it lethal in the worst way possible but with no suffering in a physic way but it kills you in the mental way.  I imagine that is horrible to remember something one day and when you notice that some chunks of your memory are missing and when you know that you have it and that that is the cause for your problems.  The poor old men and women lose their ability to reason until they do some stupid things and actions like placing a toy in the plate of the food and this is because of their ability to reason where things go.  I can imagine the suffering of a person that is very close to someone with that disease because they lose the person that they have known for a life time and is incredible.  The sons and daughters and wives and husbands go through too much suffering because it gets to a point where that person stops to be himself and that person gets lost in the memory of the disease!


In this video I learned a lot of things about memory. For example babies go developing year with year their thinking abilities.  The most amazing thing of memory is that our mind forgets things that are not as useful as others because if we remembered everything our brain would be charged with too much information.  This is also incredible because I learned that babies have a peculiar way of thinking different from the adult humans.  For example for the babies, you are older if you are bigger so if they see a man who is very big they are going to think that he is very old.  Diseases like Alzheimer’s are horrible in people and I would not wish that for any people that I know in this world.  It’s incredible how amazing the memory of the Homo sapiens is.  Also the man who has problems with his memory in the video, I feel so bad for him because I can notice that he would be happier if he could have his whole memory.  For the humans memory is the most useful tool that we can use in learning and millions of other tasks, our life are based on memory.

3 articles

part I
The experiment was conducted by the Dr. Faber.  This experiment talked about the amygdale and how it controlled the strong emotions in our life.  She said that the strong memories of events of strong feelings are quick snapshots.  She said that in moments of extreme emotion the brain let’s go a hormone that combined with the electric pathways makes a strong feeling.  This may go on real life because this can explain traumas and why they last for an entire life time.  This may help psychologists help people forget of the trauma.
Part II
Weiwei Zang and Steve Luck were the psychologists that conducted this experiment.  The experiment was based on two experiments.  The first one they showed a image with 3 squares with 3 different colors, and then 10 seconds after that they showed a spiral with the entire set of colors and then they showed the 3 squares but colorless and one highlighted and they asked the man or woman to click on the spiral where the color that approached the most to the color of the highlighted box.  They showed that The memories are not like flashlights that get progressively weaker as the battery runs low,” Luck said. “They are more like a laptop computer that continues working at the same speed until it suddenly shuts down.”  This may relate to real life because it shows how short term memory works and that we can do some tasks with it.
Part III
In this experiment that was conducted by Keith Paine and Elizabeth Korrigan they wanted to show that memories could not been forget intentionally.  Well in their experiment they showed that and they argued that because of emotional feelings it was impossible for them to forget something intentionally.  This is important for people in common day life because if something bad happens to you cannot forget it intentionally because every time you remember it you are recalling it.